The corporate governance of the multinational company
One of the biggest problems concerning the management of the multinational company has to do with corporate governance. To the extent that a company invests in subsidiaries or its own subsidiaries in countries abroad, it will be subject to a series of legal,...
ICTs and emerging economies transform the global economy
The process of globalization that the world is experiencing begins in the 21st century a new phase that affects the world economy. This is included in the article by Mauro Guillén and Emilio Ontiveros on Challenges for the international economy in a changing world....
The potential of Spain in the advancement of global connectivity
It was believed that globalization was something inevitable. However, the years of economic crisis have produced a collapse in the process of global connectivity that currently lives a slight increase after the fall produced, according to the DHL Global Connectivity...
How, where and why companies are internationalized according to Porter’s paradigm
In previous blog post we have analyzed the processes of internationalization of companies responding to how, where and why of internationalization from the Uppsala model and the eclectic paradigm. Based on the analysis carried out by Juan José Renau Piqueras to...
How, where and why companies are internationalized according to the eclectic paradigm
In the previous post we began to analyze the processes of internationalization of companies, responding to how, where and why of internationalization. At first we analyzed the Uppsala model, or Swedish model, on the internationalization of companies. This model bases...
How, where and why companies are internationalized according to the Uppsala model
Between the need to overcome the recent crisis and the true conviction to develop a strategy of progress, there are more and more companies from all sectors that are looking to expand their business abroad. Business internationalization is the process by which the...
What is country risk and how can it affect the overall expansion of your business?
The country risk refers to the uncertainty associated to the collection that arises when negotiating an investment by a company in a country. Meaning that it deals with the possibility that in the future there will be an eventuality or an adverse tendency to...
Modes of penetration in the foreign markets
The international expansion involves a series of risks that every company should consider previously, in order to minimise the risk of incurring costs that can be avoided with a better forecast of them. Trying to enter new markets generates a certain degree of...
Difficulties in penetrating the U.S. market:
Over the past five years, many European companies have seen the US market as an opportunity for sales expansion and profitability. However, according to recent statistics from the US National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), less than 5% of these companies are...