Comerciando Global strategies of internationalization develops turnkey projects for medium and large enterprises, in accordance with their specific needs and may cover most of your needs and objectives.
2. Studies, market research and propective analysis of emerging markets
The research undertaken according to client’s needs, aim to provide the necessary information to the company management to assess the relevance, feasibility and need for resources to cover foreign markets that enable growth, restructuring or costs saving.
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3. Design and project management programs in the in the EU and multilateral financial institutions
The multilateral and bilateral financial institutions dedicated to international finance and development, in their terminology IFDI, – mainly multilateral development banks and regional and other international organizations- are large international consulting contractors of all kinds.
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Comerciando Global advises clients regarding:
- Planning and managing the preparation of the proposal: trips to the country or region, collection of information, drafting and revising it.
- Finding partners and joint consortia: leader, consortium members and subcontractors.
- Lobby and monitoring the expression of interest with task managers, institutions intermediate and local institutions.
A deep experience in European Union policies, allows Comerciando Global to identify programs in the areas of interest for the company, participation in competitions or tenders as well as in the design of winning proposals and project management, including those relating to Horizon2020.
Packages for SMEs
- Feasibility study of the export activity or the internationalization process
- Market Research Services by country
- Strategy Service direct insight into a market
- Identification of service providers
- Establishment of consortia
- Local partner search
- Initiation strategy in the internationalization
- Strategy Service export manager at a third market
- Outsourcing of the international department of your company
- International Franchise Strategy

1. Advice on foreign trade.
International strategy and negotiations.
Export procedures.
International logistics.
Payment terms in each market.
Grant management and information, aid and official programs to export: travel, affiliates, media promotion, etc.
Drafting of distribution and agency contracts.
VAT refund.
Translations of documentation.
Interpreters for travel.

2. Advice on international events and fairs.
Comprehensive management in the participation in fairs and business opportunities, partners identification and completion of all tasks for the organization of fairs and trade promotion events
5. Training in internationalization.
We provide seminars specialized in the whole internationalisation process, as well as regarding more specific topics, such as those related to international trading on specific countries, payment methods, how to select agents and distributors…
Information about foreign markets. Selection of export target markets based on the characteristics of the company and the product. Conducting market research as well as of the competition.
6. Outsourcing of the foreign trade department.
For companies that are new in the sector or with a limited ability to operate in certain markets, we perform all foreign trade tasks in the name of our customers, carrying out all the necessary paperwork, as if we were the foreign trade department of the company.
Services to public entities:
1. Internationalization consulting to public entities and official bodies.
Made available for public entities advice and training in foreign trade management, market research and partner and international actors search to develop the industrial network of the region or the identification of opportunities for local development.
2. Advising foreign international trade missions and identification of partners in foreign administrations
Making available our lobby and database ability to identify negotiators and partners of added value for local and regional corporations.