Feasibility study of the export activity or internationalization
Consists of analyzing the feasibility and the ability of the company to start its internationalization process or reach a particular market.
Market Research by country
Consists of analysing a foreign market and the ideal way to enter it.
Strategy of direct penetration in a market
Consists of the identification of the main actors in a market, in accordance with the strategy pursued: seeking local partners, customers…
Identification of service providers
Service to identify suppliers in a foreign country or improve the present supply.
Establishment of consortia Service
Making temporal partnerships to achieve common objectives (exports, purchases, participation in bids …)
Partner search
Service, aimed at the search for local partners (technological, commercial, industrial or financial), depending on the company’s international strategy and profile.
Internationalization start-up Strategy
Service for those SMEs that have not exported or do less than 20% of its sales.
Export manager Strategy at a third market
Consists in providing a service of trade promotion, whereby the company retains the services of Comerciando Global for promotions or sales in a given geographical area.
Outsourcing of the international department of your company
Comerciando Global can be converted through the provision of this service in the foreign trade department of the company, taking care of your management documents and business, representation on trips, trade fairs, trade missions…
International franchise strategy
This service is based on the search for a Master Franchise in the targeted market.